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National Security

Pustovoytenko S.I. Creating a model of a safe tourism product (on the example of Germany)

Abstract: Analysis of Germany’s development of tourism as a complex and integral system, allows addressing the issue of designing a version of national model of a quality (safe) and competitive tourism product. From the beginning of the 1920’s, tourism in West Germany and other Germanspeaking countries has been viewed by researchers as a complex and integral system, in which the correlation of all its components results in the ability to offer the consumer a safe and high-quality tourism product. At the foundation of the tourism product of Germany, Switzerland, Austria and other German-speaking countries lies in the consistency and interdisciplinarity of tourism research. The methodological basis of this research is the systemic approach and comparative analysis; it offers comparative analysis of the conceptual and terminological construct of the problem. The article presents: analysis of the model of a tourism product (on the example of a travel and tourism company TUI AG); comparative analysis of conceptual and terminological construct of the problem; proposal of a version of a model of forming a quality (safe) tourism product within travel region; offers the key components of a safe tourism product. The field for implementation of the results of the research is the theory and practice of developing national tourism. The relevance is presented in the possibility of using the positive experience of a systematic development of tourism in West Germany, and applying it in our own tourism by forming upon this foundation a quality (safe) national tourism product.


Tourism system, tourism model, safe tourism product, risk management, crisis management, travel offer, risk analysis, causes of crises, travel product, model of a tourism product.

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