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National Security

Zhong R. The Indochina War of 1962 and the post-war structure

Abstract: This article examines the events which preceded the war between China and India that occurred in 1962, briefly the military engagement itself in the Eastern sector and its results. In author’s opinion this conflict carried a number of causes, among which is India’s annexation of Tawang Town (a part of South Tibet), the Tibet situation in general, as well as certain aspects of the Indian border policy. The author studies the specifics of the cooperation between the leaders of People’s Republic of China and India on the controversial issues, which prompted the Chinese army to attack India’s positions on October 20, 1962. Methodological base for this research consists of the systematic, structural-functional and comparative historical approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and expert assessments. The boarder war between China and India lasted a month, while creating a new type of warfare, where the fight is not to capture enemy territory, but to punish the other side. It is clear that in many cases the controversial issues should be addressed separately, suspending the difficult and complex ones for an indefinite period of time.


National security, foreign policy, China, India, border conflict, diplomacy, country, interests, values, war.

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