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Culture and Art

Rozin, V. M. The Amazing Phenomenon of Music (Part 2)

Abstract: The author of the present article offers a new philosophical concept of music based on his own experience in methodology, cultural research and humanitarian studies. V. Rozin outlines the following problems to be solved: to explain the strong influence of music on human and different interpretations of music, irreducibility of music to the technique and sound and the dilemma bout whether music is a language or a system of symbols. The researcher introduces his hypothesis that music, on one hand, is a form of life that solve the personality problems and on the other hand, the artistic reality. V. Rozin also discusses the main features of artistic reality including the textual nature, the unity of experiencing and constructing events of the artistic reality and the role of the personality of an artist. In the last part of the article the researcher substantiates the initial hypothesis on the nature of music, compares music with other art forms and shows that classical music has been formed as a form of life allowing a new European personality to achieve the main tasks of existence. The researcher offers a definition of music culture as an important feature of music. In the course of the development of his music concept, the researcher has used humanitarian methodology, comparative analysis of different forms of art, case analysis, genetic arguments, the method of problematisation and construction of ideal objects. As a result, V. Rozin manages to create a new philosophical concept of music, to solve a number of problems related to music and, as he hopes, to partly solve the mystery of music. An important aspect of this mystery is that by listening to music, a human solves his existential problems in the form of music temporality and activity that includes reading and artistic understanding of a musical material form.


Music, event, problem, personality, sound, set of sounds, word, life, understanding, reality.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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