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Philosophy and Culture
Shevyakova, A. V. (2014). Phenomenon of Political Trickster as the
Basic Element of Political Dynamics in Russia:
Expeience of Mythological Analysis. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1458–1469.
Shevyakova, A. V. Phenomenon of Political Trickster as the Basic Element of Political Dynamics in Russia: Expeience of Mythological AnalysisAbstract: The subject studied is the role of political trickster as a possible stereotype of political behavior in the Russian political environment of the late XXth. Cultural dimension of the political life is the ground for forming a matrix of possibilities of political leaders at this or that sage of social development. Culture and the collective request of the population for the implementation of a particular cultural paradigm by political elites are a direct consequence of the formation and development of the information society and transformation of collective consciousness. Political situation at the beginning of the 1990th in Russia created conditions for the appearance of both cultural heroes and tricksters in the political life of the country. In this regard, the author analyzes the political activity of A. Lebed and R. Kadyrov as the examples of political tricksterism and cultural heroism. The analysis of the political behavior of political actors is a new methodological approach which appears as a result of the development of the inter-disciplinary approach and principles of methodological pluralism. Based on the cultural analysis carried out, the author makes an assumption that on the political arena a cultural hero and a trickster are syncretical manifestations of the political reality in unstable situations. The solution of the unstable situation and overcoming of the political turbulence define the importance of the relation between a trickster and a cultural hero. Keywords: trickster, mythological analysis, political behavior, cultural hero, culture, mythological consciousness, cosmos, R. Kadyrov, A. Lebed, chaos.
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