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Philosophy and Culture

Marievskaya, N. E. Circular Time in the Structure of a Piece of Cinematographic Art

Abstract: The subject under review is a temporary form of a piece of cinematographic art. Artistic time continuum is viewed as the subject of synthesis and work material for creating a film. The author of the article makes a conclusion about the need to include the circular time into the pattern of the plot that has the conflict driving its internal development and goes through the thee stage – the exposition, development of the storyline through conflict to the climax and the falling action (resolution of the conflict). The authors shows that the circular time dominating in the plot creates a generalization which is very close to what a mythological consciousness deals with when particular sensual experience is tuned into a sign. The concept of the artistic time continuum is based on the ideas of Saint Augustine and Pavel Florensky. For the first time in the theory of cinematograph the artistic time is viewed as the subject of synthesis and working material for creating a piece of cinematographic art. The author of the article describes the importance of the circular time continuum for the plot. The circular time continuum creates the general outline of the storyline. Cyclicity is viewed as a result of existential issues being solved by human. Description of the role of the circular time in the structure of a piece of cinematographic art has allowed to view the terms ‘peripeteia’ and ‘plot pattern’ differently.


artistic time continuum, circular time, theory of dramatic art, plot, plot pattern, peripeteia, piece of cinematographic art, eternity, non-linear time, dynamic process.

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