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Politics and Society

Aleynikov, A. V. Structure of the Communicative Break of Russian Confl icts

Abstract: The article is devoted to the confl ictogenity of the systems transformation of Russia. This requires to develop and specify a new conceptual framework of modern confl ict resolution studies which would take into account specifi cs of Russian confl icts because usually the conceptual framework of confl ict resolution studies serve to describe and analyze a differently organized society. The author of the article tries to defi ne and analyze systems characteristics and the main elements of the confl ict dynamics, the basic models of the modern architecture of confl icts and peculiarities of applying the method of the ‘confl ictological key’ to the analysis of institutional schemes of description of modern interstate, socio-political and ideological situations in modern Russia. When analyzing the structure of the confl ict model of the Russian society, the researcher as used applicable socio-philosophical methodological approaches for the purpose of defi ning peculiarities of confl icts and actual behavioral practices of confl ict resolution in the modern Russian society. The researcher offers a classifi cation of invariant confl ict situations of a certain type, their structure, features and peculiarities as well as a combination of established and effective methods of confl ict resolution, stereotype scenarios of confl ict behavior and strategies of political design of reality creating the ‘confl ict-free world and stable life’ for citizens by using social constructs and the system of ideas and symbols.


Russia, confl ict, confl ictogenity, confl ict model, stability, society, politics, government, confl ict dynamics, communication.

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