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Law and Politics

Baharev, D.V. Issues of theory and methodology of studying the causes for the territorial differences in crime as refl ected in the works of the Soviet criminologists

Abstract: The article provides a brief historical and comparative analysis of the main approaches of the criminologists of the Georgian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian Soviet Socialist Republics of the former USSR towards territorial differences in crime markers and their causes. The author describes theoretical nature and methodological elements of the approaches, such as comparative criminological analysis, studies of geography of crimes and their dynamics, systemic approaches towards territorial (area-related) structures (residential structures, administrative regions, certain regions), etc. The article involves comparative historical method for the studies of approaches of scientific schools and certain criminologists of the former USSR (1970s-1980s) towards studying the causes of territorial differences in crime. The article contains analysis of initial prerequisites and further approaches towards widening and deepening of the scope of territorial and methodological basis for the studies of the causes of territorial differences in crime. For example, by the mid-1980s the Soviet criminologies have theoretically substantiated the need to understand territorial (regional) and residential structures as types of complicated social and economic structures. At the same time the complications and contradictions in the functioning of such systems should inevitably influencing the markers of the criminal activities of the population.


Soviet criminology, territorial differences in crime, Georgian SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, comparative criminological analysis, geography of crime, systemic approach, causes of crime.

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