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Law and Politics

Nuhradinova, Z.N. Defi nition of forgery by an offi cial and responsibility for it in the Russian legislation. Retrospective analysis

Abstract: The article provides evaluation of the key approaches of the Russian pre-Revolution scholars regarding legal elements of the forgery by an official, the author provides a retrospective analysis of the formation of responsibility for this type of crime. The author has studied the pre-Revolution practice on criminal cases regarding forgery by an official in the Russian courts, allowing to single out the most typical forgery cases in the practice of criminal cases. In addition the author analyzes doctrinal sources, which are devoted to the criminal law regulation of the relations appearing due to the forgery by an official: works of the Russian lawyers of the pre-Revolution period, such as N.S. Tagantsev, I.Y. Foynitskiy, works of the representatives of the Soviet criminal law science, such as A.N. Traynin, T.L. Sergeeva, V.M. Lebedev. When writing this article the author involved general scientific methods, such as formal logical method, historical retrospective analysis, classification, abstraction, induction and deduction, hypothesis, as well as special legal methods: formal legal method, method of evaluation of the judicial practice, method of legal modeling, method of interpretation of legal norms. It is noted in the article that the Russian legislator always tends to be selective, when protecting the procedure of formation and turnover of commercial documents. In addition, the author singles out some specificities of forgery by an official, which are typical for the Russian criminal law on such forgery. These specificities include the purpose of an offence to act against the established order of document turnover in the official (municipal) bodies; presence of dependency of the immediate object from the object of criminal encroachment; presence of the special subject of criminal responsibility for such a crime: an official, a municipal (state) servant. In addition, it may also be a person implementing administrative functions. The author also provides her own definition of forgery by an official.


Forgery by an official, forgery, pre-Revolution legislation, document turnover, information, definition, historical analysis, false, false information, crime by an official.

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