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Law and Politics

Vereschagin, S.G. Role of legislation in the formation and development of the statehood in the Frankish Kingdom in VI- IX centuries. Capitularies

Abstract: The article concerns formation and development of the legislation in the largest early feudal state of the Western Europe – the Frankish Kingdom. Capitularies – orders of the Kings and Emperors play a special role in the history of legislation of the Frankish Kingdom. The main goal of passing these laws was resolution of judicial and administrative cases, regulation of family relations, activities of the church institutions, economic activities, organization of schools, etc. Kings and Emperors often used Capitularies for the sake of centralization of the political power as means of political strife, they attempted to distinguish overlapping competences of the judicial power of the King, the Dukes, the holders of patrimonial estates, Seniors, to guarantee the protection of church and its property, to fight the opposition of the conquered nations. When writing the article the author employed the following study methods: general scientific cognition methods (analysis, synthesis, systemic method), as well as logical and historical methods of scientific research. As a result of the study the author made a conclusion that the legislation played an important role in the evolution of the feudal relations in the Frankish society after the slave-owning system, and later in the formation of the statehood in the Frankish kingdom. In the process of developing statehood, there is a strengthening of power of a king in the legislative sphere. The various normative acts are actively developed and adopted, but the main form of legislative acts was Capitulary – a King’s decree.


Carolingian dynasty, Merovingian dynasty, sources of law, Charlemagne, the Frankish kingdom, Capitulary, Salic code, royal lands, royal power, the history of the Francs.

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