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History magazine - researches

Y. V. Shahin The persecution of the supporters  of the Cominform Resolution  in Yugoslavia

Abstract: The aim of this article is to draw a general picture of the repressions against the supporters of the Communist Information Bureau resolution of June 28, 1948 (adherents of the USSR) in the period of the Soviet-Yugoslavian conflict. A systematic coverage of this problem is altogether absent from Russian historiography and is significantly incomplete in the republics of former Yugoslavia, because the central archives of the Yugoslavian intelligence services are still closed to researchers. The chronological frame of this study covers the period from 1948 to 1953. The author did not address the decision-making process at the highest level of the Yugoslavian party officials on commencing repressions, nor the organizing of the public persecution of the supporters of Cominform. The work is based on an empirical level of research with the application of the methods of historico-critical analysis, systematization and typologization, because the current state of the subjects development still requires investigation on the level of ascertainment of facts. As a result of a comparative study of the still fragmented repression statistics, for the first time there is support for an estimation of the number of repressed and registered adherents of the Communist Information Bureau in Yugoslavia. This is accompanied by a description of the legal basis for the repressions and an estimated distribution of the repressed by court sentences. The detention conditions of the prisoners, especially in the labor camp of the Goli Otok, are also described in this context.


history, Yugoslavia, Information Bureau adherents, political repressions, statistics, Soviet-Yugoslavian conflict, Goli Otok Island, court sentences, historiography, intelligence agencies.

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