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International Law and International Organizations

Kasatkina, A.S. Status of a notary in the international private law

Abstract: The said article is devoted to the modern tendencies regarding the legal status of a notary within the aspect of the norms of the international private law. Currently notaries provide one of the most effi cient mechanisms for the civil turnover, allowing to guarantee the combination of private and public interests in the spheres, such as international family law, international inheritance law, that is the spheres of activities of persons, where priority of a certain interest is not obvious, and there is a confl ict of laws, which is the subject of studies within the framework of the international private law. The author of the article uses comparative legal method of studies in order to provide a detailed analysis of the legal basis for the functioning of the international notary activities, which involves domestic sources, as well as the international sources (international treaties, international customs). The author points out variety and wide range of sources for the notary activities, which is due to the specifi c features of the relations involving foreign legal orders, namely: defi ning the legal status of foreign persons (entities) participating in notary proceedings, use of foreign documents (defi ning the international validity of the documents). As a result of the study the author drew the following conclusions. The modern realities of social and economic development of state and society require a transition to the more active model of notary work, which would not be limited to the verifying functions of notaries. The foremost important role in the legislative development belongs to the new draft of the Federal Law “On Organization and Notary Activities in the Russian Federation”. That is why documents verifi ed by notaries should be recognized as authentic acts, having higher evidentiary force in comparison to plain written documents, which would guarantee reliability and stability of the documents and other acts in the civil turnover and ease the work of the courts.


International private law, notary, Latin notary system, Anglo-Saxon notary system, sources of legal regulation, notary proceedings, consular legalization, apostil, lack of formalities, exequatur.

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