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Politics and Society

Repinskaya, O. V. Antiterrorist Strategy as a Mean of Enforcing the USA Political Domination

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the antiterrorist strategy as a mean of enforcing the USA political domination in terms of security enforcement in Russia and Eurasian Zone. The researcher substantiates the dependence of external political processes aimed at antiterrorist measures in different regions of the world on achieving geostrategic interests of America. O. Repinskaya also views the tendencies towards development of democratic transformations and growth of terrorist activity in the post-Soviet territory in terms of strengthening the policy of Russia. The author analyzes possible prospects for the development of the political process in the light of the implementation of provisions of US Law No. 22777 ‘Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014’. The research methodology includes general scientifi c methods of research as well as special methods such as sociological, behavioral, comparative law, statistical and historical analysis and etc. The scientifi c novelty of the research is proved by: – the substantiation f the dependence of the US antiterrorist policy directions on the tasks of enforcing the political domination of the USA; – the discovery of the relation between the strengthening Russia’s position and the rise of terrorist activity in the territory near the areas of geostrategic interests of the USA; – the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the cooperation in the Eurasian territory for the purpose of anti-terrorist security.


Terrorism, security, anti-terrorist strategy, political domination, anti-terrorist cooperation, USA, Russia, Eurasian Union, European Union, Ukraine.

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