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Politics and Society

Gryaznova, E. V., Shkirnyuk, P. G. Life Quality Management in Public Health Service: Problems of State Management

Abstract: The health status of the population has been declining in our country over recent years. This inevitably leads to loss of life quality. The main reason of such a situation is a poor state management of health care institution activity. Health care management issues decrease the effi ciency of the life quality management which is the main potential resource of the country. In order to develop solution of the aforesaid problem and increase the effi ciency of the life quality management, it is necessary to carry out the analysis and systematization of the issues with the life quality management arising in the Russian Federation health care system which is the subject under research of the present article. As the main research methods, the authors use analysis, comparison, ascension from the abstract to the specifi c, documentary method, content analysis and analytical method. The results of the research demonstrate that the low effi ciency of the management in health care shows itself, fi rst of all, in the lack of funding of the health care sector while available fi nancial and material resources are used ineffi cient. The disparity in provision of health care is also growing and human resources are not used well. The social tension is increasing. This, in its turn, makes the health care crisis approaching the line after which the whole system of health care will break. The results of the research will allow to develop requirements fo the information systems and increase the effi ciency of the life quality management in the sphere of health care.


Administration, state, management, public health service, life quality, life quality management, principles of management, social effi ciency of public health, socially important benefi t, health.

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