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Law and Politics

Matveeva, E.Y. On the legal nature of energy service contract. Energy service contract as a typical contractual construction

Abstract: The goal of the article is to study the legal nature of the energy service contract. It is proven that the energy service contract is not an independent civil law contract. It is proven that generally an energy service contract is not a mixed contract. It is defined that energy service contract is a typical contractual construction. The framework of studies involves the object of studies being legal nature of energy service contract. The immediate object of studies involves civil legislation and theoretical development in the sphere of qualification of civil law institutions. Methodology of studies involves general scientific and specific scientific methods of cognition, namely, dialectic, systemic, formal legal, comparative legal methods. Its practical value involves legal qualification necessary for the correct application of the civil law norms and regulation of relations between the contractual parties. The social consequences involve legal studies of energy service contracts, which shall facilitate institutional development of the energy service activities, as well as implementation of state energy saving policy in general. Authenticity and scientific novelty of this work involve the fact that energy service contract is novel for the Russian civil law, and the author provides a qualification of energy service contract.


Energy service contract, direction of the contract, mixed contract, typical contractual construction, civil law norms, legal qualification, civil legislation, novelty, economy of energy resources, object of energy saving contract.

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