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Law and Politics

Karasev, R.E. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation: forms of interaction with the judicial bodies in the process of protection of human rights

Abstract: The object of studies in this article involves the interaction between the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the judicial bodies in the process of protection of basic rights and freedoms. The author evaluates the definition of forms of interaction within two aspects: as an activity for the implementation of the specific area of competence, causing legal consequences for the party to such an interaction (indirect relations) and as means of organization of joint activities of parties within the framework of competence established by law for the purpose of protection of basic human rights and freedoms (direct relations). The article concern two basic forms of interaction between the Constitutional Court and the judicial bodies: decision of the Constitutional Court and constitutional request. The article also concerns the issues of protection of basic human rights and freedoms in the Constitutional Court before the proceedings on a case are completed, as well as the problems regarding contradictions in the positions of the supreme courts. In the process of studies the author employs general and specific scientific methods, such as comparative legal studies, scientific analysis, synthesis. Using these methods, the author made a conclusion that in order to improve efficiency of protection of human rights and freedoms at the stage before the proceedings in a case are completed by the court of general jurisdiction or an arbitration court, there is need to stimulate the court for the use of constitutional request via the relevant motion. The article provides recommendation regarding the contents of such a motion. The author also offers his own option for the solution of the problem regarding contradictions in the positions of the supreme courts via the institution of interaction.


The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court, justice, constitutional request, constitutional claim, human rights activities, rights and freedoms, judicial protection, decision of the Constitutional Court, supreme courts.

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