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Law and Politics

Muhamedzhanov, A.Z. Interaction between the Parliament and Government in the conditions of constitutional reforms in Uzbekistan

Abstract: The provided article is devoted to the issues of interaction between the Parliament and the Government in Uzbekistan within the framework of the ongoing public law reform in Uzbekistan. Currently the democratic amendments have significantly changed the system of state government, competence and mechanisms of interaction of the supreme government bodies. The new instruments of democratic society administration are introduced, the system of check and balances in the state mechanism is being perfected, the measures are taken in order to optimize the competence of the supreme state government bodies. The studies of the problems regarding interaction between the Government and the Parliament has allowed to single out the following two aspects reflecting the specific features of the relations between the Government and the Parliament. On one hand, it is greater responsibility of executive government bodies, on the other hand it is a growing role of parliament. Having analyzed the amendments in the Constitution of Uzbekistan of the latest years, the author finds the formation of a balanced system of interaction between the legislative and executive branches of power, based upon the specialization of their competence, being limited by the system of mutual control. The study involves both general and specialized methods: analysis, generalization, comparative legal studies, logical legal method, historical method, specific sociological method. The author studies nature and importance of constitutional reforms of 2002-2014, which significantly changed the basis and forms for the interactions between Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers. The author presents analysis of the transformation of the relations between the Government and the Parliament, which were reflected in the procedure for presenting the candidature of the Prime-Minister by the party holding parliamentary majority, provisions for the vote of non-confidence to the Prime-Minister, causing the resignation of the entire Government. Within the framework of this issue the author evaluates the transfer of some important spheres of competence from the President of the state to the Parliament and the Government. In order to guarantee efficient interaction between the Government and the Parliament the author substantiates a number of measures, which shall allow to form a balanced system of mutual rights, obligations and responsibility of said bodies, being regulated in much detail. The article also includes propositions for the clarification of status, competence and specific spheres of competence of these bodies based upon the principles of equality and mutual control. In order to achieve optimum correlation between the government and the parliament, their place within the system of state power, it is offered to further strengthen the role of Parliament, to widen its controlling competence. Author also provides some recommendations for the improvement of the mechanism and procedures of resolution of appearing disagreements, rationalization of forms and methods of joint activities.


Constitution, Parliament of Uzbekistan, Legislative Chamber, Senate, Cabinet of Ministers, Prime-Minister, vote of non-confidence, program for the government activities, state government bodies.

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