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National Security

Perov, E.V. Monitoring the social conflictogenity in the society.

Abstract: As a result of the adaptation to the new social and economic conditions all of the members of the society undergo changes in their value orientations and motives, inevitably causing tensions in the society. The combination of tensions of social, mental, and social – psychological character, which in some conditions may lead to the conflicts in the society, may be united within the framework of the social conflictogenity of the society. In the conditions of prevention of conflict escalation it is important to monitor the level of social conflictogenity and to reveal the causes facilitating the growth of social tension in the society. The method for the diagnostics of the social conflictogenity allows to define the dynamics of the generalizing markers, characterizing the level of social conflictogenity in the state or in a region, uncovering the causes of growing social tension in the society. Aprobation of this method based upon the Russian materials shows its applicability for the social conflictogenity monitoring in a country or in a state.


social studies, conflictogenity in a society, social conflictogenity, diagnostics, level of conflictogenity, markers of conflictogenity level, methods for the diagnostics, objective characteristics of conflictogenity, objectivesubjective characteristics of conflictogenity, subjective characteristics of conflictogenity.

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