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National Security

Silaeva, N.A. Criminological characteristics of the crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation in the situation of democratization of society and state (1991-2011).

Abstract: The object of studies involves the following: a) description and explanations of patterns in development of crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation based upon the analysis and evaluation of quality and quantity parameters, which are interrelated and interdependent; b) mass media publications informing on initiation of criminal cases and criminal responsibility of persons for the crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation; c) the main provisions of legislative acts regulating prevention of crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation. The main method of scientific research is comparative legal method, which was applied to evaluation of crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation, as well as the general scientific methods – analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that for the first time in the Russian legal science the author provided criminological characteristics of crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation. The conclusions are as follows: criminological analysis of quality and quantity markers of crimes encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation shows that at the ridge of XX and XXI centuries there is a tendency for growing amount of registered political crimes, encroaching upon the political system of the Russian Federation, such as public calls for extremist activities, organization of extremist communities and organization of the activities of the extremist organizations. Statistical data shows that in the early XXI century in Russia the amount of encroachments upon the political system is growing compared to the data for the late XX century.


extremism, criminological characteristics, crimes, statistical data, extremist community, armed riot, takeover of power, holding on to power, public calls, politics.

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