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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Dzhimbeeva D.V. Trends of Conflict Regulation of Obligations Arising From Unjust Enrichment

Abstract: The article analyzes the various approaches to the definition of the law applicable to the obligations arising from unjust enrichment, in the legislation and the doctrine of foreign countries for example, the UK, Germany, USA and Switzerland. An overview of the main collision connections for the regulation of the researched obligations, which are contained in the foreign legislation, acts of regional codification of private international law is provided. The author examines the provisions of the law applicable to the obligations arising from the unjust enrichment in the above mentioned rules of law and makes a comparative legal analysis by examining the existing foreign doctrines and materials of foreign judicial practice on cross-border disputes for recovery of unjust enrichment. Similarities and differences of the considered models of collision regulation are identified.


unjust enrichment, the applicable law, collision rules, lex causae condictionis, models of conflict regulation, collision connecting factor, unjust enrichment obligations, the most intimate connection, the statute unjust enrichment, the problem of choice of law.

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