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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Lukoyanov N.V. Corporate Uncertified Securities in Spanish Law

Abstract: This article is devoted to the analysis of legal regulation of corporate book-entry securities in the law on the example of Spain. In the science of Russian law there are almost no studies of corporate book-entry securities of foreign countries. However, the mechanism of regulation of social relations in relation of corporate book-entry securities in civil and trading turnover of Spain is of interest to Russian law. Complicated trade turnover and the rules of the European Union’s regulations implemented in the national legislation give impetus to the adoption of new types of corporate securities not previously known to the Spanish law (recall shares, preferred corporate shares). But law enforcement practice shows that legal protection of investors who invest their money in such financial instruments is still not assured.


securities, book-entry securities, corporate securities, stocks, bonds, hybrid securities, the law of Spain, corporations, joint-callable shares, preferred corporate shares.

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