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Law and Politics
Baymatov, P.N. (2014). State guarantees of the right of citizens
of the Russian Federation to social guarantees:
judicial protection. Law and Politics, 8, 1224–1231.
Baymatov, P.N. State guarantees of the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to social guarantees: judicial protectionAbstract: The article involves the study of state guarantees of a right of citizens of the Russian Federation for social guarantees, their interrelation with the definition of sociality of a state. Special attention is paid to the state guarantee: a constitutional principle of justice. The author analyzes specific features of judicial protection of a right to social guarantees from the standpoint of economic potential of the state, presence of financial resources. The object of study involves implementation of constitutional guarantees of the rights of people for social guarantees in the Russian federation, including the judicial control over their implementation. The said issues are studied with the help of logical and systemic methods, analysis and synthesis, formal legal, comparative legal and historical comparative methods of cognition. The article presents and supports the thesis that state guarantees of a constitutional right of citizens to social guarantees are among the main indicators of social character of the state. Formation of the social state via strengthening of state guarantees of implementation of constitutional right to social guarantee is a strategic goal for both the state apparatus and a civil society as a whole. Keywords: Constitution, social state, guarantees, justice, judicial bodies, principles, indicators, social guarantees, health resort treatment, competence.
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