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Law and Politics

Shugurov, M.V. Issues of protecting intellectual property rights within G8 in the context of globalization of innovative development

Abstract: The article is devoted to evaluating evolution of the activities of the Group 8 (G8) in the sphere of protection of intellectual property. The author consequently follows the evolution of the G8 regarding these issues from 1988, noting appearance of novel nuances, based upon the documents issued by the G8. Special attention is paid to the activities of the specialized structural divisions formed by the group, such as the Intellectual Property Expert Group. From the point of view of the author 2007 was a key year for the change, when the issues of intellectual property were recognized among the focal points of activities of G8, rather than being just facultative issues. As a result the format of Heiligendamm L’Aquila Process (HAP) was formed, and within its framework the issues of protection of intellectual property rights were united with the issues of fighting counterfeit and pirated products. The article provides analysis of involvement of the G5 (the group of most influential developing states) into the discussion of the issues of necessity to consequently comply with the intellectual property rights. In addition the author shows applied work within the framework of the Group, making a conclusion in the high level of implementation of the political obligations. As a methodological basis for the analysis of position of G8 states the author uses understanding of its collective function as a supplier of global public good. In addition, the author views the activities of the group on further development of intellectual property as means for providing additional guarantees, rather than substituting the activities of existing international organizations in this sphere. Novelty of the article is due to the complex analysis of the positions of the Group on the issues of value of intellectual property protection in the conditions of globalization of innovative development. The author substantiates the conclusion that the position of G8 to a great extent defines the growing strictness of the protection of intellectual property rights, which serves as a basis for the transition from the TRIPS standards to the TRIPS-plus standards, and these standards do not fully correspond to the positioning of intellectual property institution as means of achieving global development targets, including those in the sphere of innovative development.


Group 8, globalization, innovative development, intellectual property, counterfeit, developing states, political dialog, global goods, Internet, information society.

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