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Law and Politics

Admiralova, I.A., Trofi mov, O.E. On the issue of protection of rights of citizens in the sphere of transportation security guarantees by the federal executive bodies

Abstract: The article concerns legal and organizational fundamentals of transportation guarantees, as an element of public security. Attention is paid to administrative legal means of guaranteeing transportation security, such as licensing, control, administrative responsibility. As a result of evaluation of the means of guaranteeing aviation security, the author formulates a number of proposals for the improvement of legislation on transportation security. The article also pays attention to the activities of the federal executive bodies, whose competence includes transportation complex and transportation infrastructure of our state. Based upon such evaluation, the author also introduces proposals for improvement of administration in this sphere. The methodological basis for the article was formed with the modern achievement of cognitive theory. The process of studies involved general philosophical, theoretical, empiric methods (dialectic, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods (formal logic), specific sociological methods. The issues of security of a person, society and state have always been at the center of attention of both the state and the civil society. Economic globalization, terrorist threats and financial and economic instabilities in many states require that we take another view of global security issues, including those of transportation functioning, since its current work is rather vulnerable in the current situation. The said matters, as well as a number of other issues make this problem topical, and they vividly show that the issue of administrative legal regulation of the activities of federal executive bodies in the sphere of transportation security guarantee at the transportation and transportation infrastructure objects are among the most important current administrative problems.


Transportation, security, rights, human, risk, threat, power, police, counteraction, vulnerability.

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