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Politics and Society

Bagdasaryan, V.E. Axiology of Russian in the perspective of global development

Abstract: The article is devoted to the studies of fundamental values of the Russian way of development. The author follows the link between value-oriented target-setting and formation of the state policy. It is proven that axiological types of Russia and the West are principally different. The author offers materials showing degradation tendencies in the development of the Western society. The author proposes a vision of value components, which may serve as a foundation for a new ideological project of Russia. Analysis of the contents of main Russian ideological concepts shows preservation of the single meaning paradigm. The only thing that has changed with time was political language. In this respect one could speak of a uniform value project of Russia and its multiple historically specific manifestations. The idea of unity of the humanity based upon the value platform of the “good” is key for it. The study is based upon the axiological approach, which presupposes that according to the classic scheme the sequence of implementation of state administration should be formed based upon the algorithm chain: establishing the values – setting goals – identifi cation and solution of problems – achievement of a result. Before certain administrative decisions are made there should be a desired value-oriented image of the state. The article also applies the approach of quantity digitization of importance of various values in their defl ection in various social and cultural environments. Historically the Russian statehood was based upon the civilization identity fundament. This fundament was signifi cantly different from that of the state being of the Western states. Preservation of its own value fundamentals was a success factor for Russia, while departure from it had caused periods of crises and catastrophes. Several attempts to reform Russia according to the Western standards always ended up in systemic failures. Another such try is taken in the process of post-Soviet liberal reforms. However, it turned out to be impossible to form a new system of life sustenance.


Axiology, values, state policy, civilizations, civilization reserve, ideological project, Russia, West, discourse, quantitative evaluation.

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