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Politics and Society

Tumanova, A.S. Mobilization of the civil society of Russia against the enemy nationals in the years of the 1st World War: organizational and legal aspects

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of mobilization of the Russian society and state against the nationals of enemy states fi ghting against Russia in its narrow aspect: selection of voluntary organization in order to free them from enemy nationals. The author establishes goals and purposes of the campaign against enemy nationals, which as pronouncedly nationalist. IT was a manifestation of mobilization with patriotic slogans on the unity of the Russian nation in order to defeat the enemy, and it was aimed at raising the level of national self-conscience. It is shown that the campaign was initiated by both the state and the general public. The author supports the position on the active formation of civil society in Russia in the pre-War period and its mobilization for the needs of defense at the start of the 1st World War. The author uses comparative historical, comparative legal and formal legal methods. The article provides analysis of acts of the government for selection of voluntary association in order to rid them of enemy nationals. Special attention is paid to implementation of these norms. In the collections of the Russian State Historical Archive the author has found the correspondence between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its agents: Governor-Generals, Governors, city mayors regarding exclusion of enemy nationals from the unions and associations. It allows to show how the campaign against the enemy nationals was implemented in the provinces and cities of the Russian Empire. The Governors provided the MIA with the lists of enemy nationals excluded from the private associations and other documents providing for the formula that the nationals of enemy states of Russia were excluded from private associations by the decisions of their assemblies. As a result the conclusion is made that nationalistic mobilization was contradictory and non-comprehensive from the standpoint of its infl uence upon the Russian civil society. The sphere of application of results involves: politics and society, history of state and law, history of civil society.


Civil society, the 1st World War, exclusion of enemy nationals, mobilization of the general public, nationalization of the Empire, the Russian Empire, unifi cation of the Russian general public, selection of voluntary associations, history of law, mobilization of the state.

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