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Politics and Society

Abdulgalimov, R.Z, Suntsov, A.P. Activities of non-governmental organizations as the main form of participation of citizens in public administration in a state

Abstract: The object of studies in this article involves the patterns of participation of non-governmental organizations in managing public affairs of the state. The authors discuss conditions and other circumstances regarding cooperation between the state government bodies and non-governmental organizations, evaluating specifi c features of the legal status of the NGOs participating in managing affairs of the state. In this respect the article provides defi - nition and elements of the legal status of the non-governmental organizations as the main form of participation of people in implementation of the state government policy. The article also includes analysis of the specifi c features of the legal status of the NGOs. From the standpoint of materialistic dialectics the authors employ the methods of dialectic cognition, as well as the general scientifi c cognition methods – historical, systemic, generalization and analysis of scientifi c, normative and practical materials. The scientifi c novelty is due to the studies of the legal status of non-governmental organization within the framework of managing public affairs according to the current legislation, including the issues regarding their legal position, specifi c features of their formation and participation in the ongoing political processes in the Russian Federation. In particular, the authors reevaluate the non-governmental organization and its role in the modern Russian reform, drawing a conclusion that the non-governmental organizations have a signifi cant impact into the process of development of the civil society, allowing the citizens to directly participate in managing affairs of the state, expressing their opinions in the process of interaction with the state.


Non-governmental organizations, citizens, affairs of the state, constitutional law, democracy, state, legal status, society, administration, population.

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