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Philosophy and Culture

Pereverzeva, M. V. Stochastic Music: Philosophical Aspect

Abstract: Under the influence of scientific theories and philosophical teachings on the music writing practice of the 20th century the so-called stochastic music was created (from the Greek στοχασμός which means ‘guess’) when the music was composed using mathematical probability systems (statistical distribution of music parameters, elements and etc.). Stochastic music was mostly developed during the period of prosperity of aleatory music, which a composing principle that allows the process of music creation and performance to be influenced by chance. Like no other composing method of the previous century, stochastic composing method had serious philosophical grounds that made artists to rethink their creative experience and offer a totally new creative paradigm which had never been in art before. As Iannis Xenakis, Lejaren Hiller, Karlheinz Stockhausen and other adepts of stochastic music believed, that music writing tecnique reflected the basic principles of universal development which composers tried to follow in their music. Composers addressed to stochastic music to find a new mean of music expression that would correspond to their internal world views being formed under the influence and philosophy oft he 20th century.


music, science, philosophy, stochastics, aleatory music, chance, composition, music writing technique, composing method, composition.

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