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Trunov, I.L. The need for advocacy reform in Russia.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of reform of the market for the legal services and advocacy based upon the state program “Justice”, providing the new perspectives and horizons for the development of advocacy as an important institution of the modern civil society. The article also contains the criticism of the problems, which have consolidated in the last 20 years, as well as some proposals for the reform and improvement of the future united advocacy in Russia, which is formulated based upon the international experience and scientific analysis of mistakes and miscalculations in the Russian practice, which happened at various stages of the reform. The methodology of studies is based upon systemic and structural-functional approaches, formal legal, comparative legal and comparative historical methods of studies, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, method of legal analogy and systemic construction, modern methods for model evaluation. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: social control over advocacy should be formed as monitoring, examination, expertise as well as in other forms. There is need for the legislative provisions of an obligation of the subjects of social control over advocacy to make the information of the results public, except for the information containing client-lawyer privilege. The social associations of advocates should complement the control mechanism over the quality of legal aid. There should be a call line for victims of fraud, disciplinary and criminal responsibility of negligent advocates, call line for assistance for the advocates on the issues of disagreements with the chambers of advocates, illegal persecution due to the professional activity issues. Public discussions, hearings and other forms of control should also be actively applied.


national security, politics, Russia, soft power, advocacy, advocate, law, legislation, reform, code.

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