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Manoylo, A.V. Separatism as a challenge and a threat to international security.

Abstract: Separatist movement are strengthening around the world today. They currently form a global ethnicpolitical problem. The main landmarks of separatism development are present in the second half of the XX century, when the anti-colonial and national liberation movements were rising. The separatist moods prevailed both in the third-world states, where the boundaries between the states were disputable, and in the developed states: the Great Britain, France, the USA. Separatism is aimed at separating a certain territory from a multi-national state and formation of an independent nation-state entity on this territory. The definition of “separatism” is currently interpreted rather broadly in political and legal practice. This term is understood as demands of self-determination of parts of state territory, their further secession and independence (secessionism), application of unlawful (forceful) methods in the fight for widening the scope of autonomous, federal, confederate rights. In some cases separatist movements (groups) may act in bordering states, calling for unity with the neighboring state or its part (irredentism). Separatist movements form political parties, which are usually nationalistic, armed (terrorist) formations and, where it is possible, “exiled governments”.


administration, politics, separatism, secession, autonomism, irredentism, federalism, self-determination of the nation, international law.

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