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Administrative and municipal law

Volchenko, T.I. On improvement of administrative legal mechanism for the international cooperation of the customs bodies of the Russian Federation in the proceedings on administrative offences cases.

Abstract: The article concerns innovations in the administrative legal regulation of the international cooperation in the sphere of customs bodies of the Russian Federation in the administrative offence proceedings under the amended Chapter 29.1 of the Administrative Offences Code “Legal Aid on Administrative Offences Cases”. The author pays attention to the absence of legal definition of the term “legal aid on administrative offences cases”, that is why for the purpose of scientific studies of the definition of this term, the author analyzes the definitions of international legal aid and legal aid on criminal cases. The article also provides for the causes for the legislative provision of this form of international cooperation in the administrative offences proceedings. In addition, the author analyzes the specific features of provision of legal aid on administrative offences cases in regard to the activities of the customs bodies of the Russian Federation. The methodological basis for the study is formed with the dialectic materialism, and the system of general and specific scientific methods, which is based upon it, including: formal logical method, systemic method, method of comparative legal studies, etc. The author provides a definition of the term “legal aid on administrative offences cases”, offering to introduce into the scientific turnover the term “legal aid in the process of administrative offences proceedings by the customs bodies of the Russian Federation”. In addition based upon the study the author formulates the conclusion that provision of legal aid on administrative offences cases is an element of administrative process ( proceedings on administrative offences cases) in the activities of customs bodies of the Russian Federation.


legal aid, international cooperation, provision of legal aid, customs bodies, administrative offences, reciprocal principle, international treaty, proceedings on a case, customs offences.

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