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Politics and Society

Sardaryan, G. T. Regionalization and Federalization in Terms of Transformation of the Forms of Political and Territorial Mechanism of the Government

Abstract: The article is devoted to the essence and content of the terms ‘regionalization’ and ‘federalization’, their main differences and peculiarities of their implementation while viewing the process of public authorities decentralization in terms of transformation of the form of political and territorial government in Italy, Spain and other member states of the EU with the diffi cult unitary form of government. Both terms mean a similar direction of reformation of the territorial government and at same time, being based on different forms and methods of the implementation of the reform, they predetermine different goal-setting as well as the fi nal result of activity performed by public authorities to expand powers of regional units. In his research the author has used the dialectic method. When focusing on different constitutional regulation of the institution of political and territorial government in different countries of the world the author has used the comparative method s well as the historical and institutional methods along with the systems analysis method. The author of the research article introduces a whole number of new defi nitions and terms into science, in particular, political interpretation of such an institution at ‘region’ as an intermediate authority between the government and local self-government and its differentiation from the defi nition of ‘region’ as a sub-state unit depending on geographical, economic and other principles. In his research the author mostly uses the researches of foreign scientists such as Derek Gregory, Ron Johnstone, Matteo Legrenzi, Cilja Harders, France Schriver and others.


Regionalization, federalization, Spain, Italy, European Union, decentralization, political and territorial government, devolution, regionalism, federalism.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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