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Law and Politics

Zhelonkin, V.S. On the goals of cassation proceedings in the Russian criminal process at its current stage of development

Abstract: On January 1, 2013 the Federal Law of December 12, 2010 N. 433-FZ “On Amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation and Loss of Effect of Some Legislative Acts (Provisions of Legislative Acts) of the Russian Federation” came into force, and it changed the very basis of understanding of nature, contents and object of cassation procedure, influencing the goals of review of the judgments, which have already entered into force. Taking into account the new interpretation of the object of cassation proceedings by the legislator, the understanding of the goals of revision of the judgments, which have already entered into force also needs to be revised. The methodological basis for the article is formed with the dialectic method of cognition. It also involved special scientific research methods, such as systemic-structural, specific sociological, comparative legal methods. The article substantiates the conclusion that the analysis of legislative novelties involving revision of the judgments, which are already in force show the tendency of bringing the Russian criminal procedural legislation closer to the legislations of the states of the continental legal system. It is manifested by the range and contents of goals of cassation proceedings. They include guaranteeing lawfulness of a judgment, methodological supervision of judicial practice, guaranteeing the uniformity of judicial practice, guaranteeing stability of judgments on criminal cases.


Criminal judicial proceedings, revision of judgment, cassation proceedings, supervisory proceedings, object of cassation proceedings, goals of cassation proceedings, lawfulness of a judgment, stability of a judgment, grounded judgment, fair judgment.

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