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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Burinskiene M., Petrakovskaya O.S. Legal Regulation of the Foundations of Territorial Planning in Lithuania and Ukraine

Abstract: The article analyzes the transformation of approaches to territorial planning in Lithuania and Ukraine over the last twenty years. The main accent is made on legal regulation of methods and problems of territorial planning which were changed in new socio-economic conditions of both countries. To ensure the sustainable development of territories in the natural, social, technological, economic environment, it is important to find and secure such approach to development which will ensure the quality of life and reduce the negative impact on the environment. The article provides a comparative analysis of the planning documentation in Lithuania and Ukraine over the last 20 years, although the basis of territorial planning in both countries were based on an integrated approach of urban planning school of the Soviet period. Since 1991 each country develops new strategy of territorial planning of in the conditions of new economic categories and a political orientation of development.


territorial planning, designing, the town-planning documentation, the general layout, the detailed plan, transformation, levels of territorial planning, local (municipal) level, public hearings, publicity.

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