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National Security

Ismailov, N.O. Sustainable society development strategy in the context of justice.

Abstract: The article concerns sustainable society development strategy within the context of justice. The author offers a sustainable development strategy as a scientific instrument for the implementation of the principle of justice. The concept based upon the national security principle is meant to bring it to a new quality level. The author evaluates the sustainable development concept as one of efficient instruments for reflecting the modern realities, attempting to reveal the ideas, which may be used for the implementation of justice in the modern social conditions. The author studies the sustainable society development strategy within the context of justice from the standpoint of unity of all of the spheres of social life, interrelation among needs, interests and values. The study of the justice concept in the interrelation with the sustainable development concept requires reevaluation of the social markers and facilitates formation of the new worldview. The humanity needs a new alternative model of social development, which should guarantee the harmony between people and nature, security of vital life sustenance of person and society, preservation of humanity and biosphere.


justice, freedom, responsibility, equality, environmentalization, sustainable development society development, security, needs, interests, values.

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