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Politics and Society

Semenova, I. V. Particular Features of Functioning of New Religious Organizations and Destructive Cults Within the Territory of the Russian Federation

Abstract: As the results of the analysis show, despite the fact that new religious organizations and destructive cults function in nearly all countries of the global community, nevertheless there is a number of countries that have managed to considerably decrease the infl uence of these organizations on political developments. This was the consequence of a number of measures undertaken by the government and taking into account peculiarities of religious organizations in each particular country. The author of the present research article is quite sure that this issue can be also solved in our country through a complex analysis of current relations between the government and religious organizations. There are several political and social prerequisites of a wide spread and infl uence of destructive religious organizations on young people in Russia. These prerequisites include, fi rst of all, extremely liberal legal regulations of the Russian Federation regarding religious organizations. The author of the article analyzes the infl uence of new religious organizations of the destructive and occult nature on social processes in modern Russia. The author also offers her own classifi cation of the spheres of infl uence based on the analysis of primary data. The author also provides a substantiation of the given classifi cation.


New religious organizations, destructive cults, national security, political infl uence, legislation, confessions, traditional religions, separatism, mind control, violation of law.

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