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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Maslova, V. A. (2014). The Theme of Melancholy in French Symbolism. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 483–492.
Maslova, V. A. The Theme of Melancholy in French SymbolismAbstract: The article is devoted to the causes and consequences of the actualization of the topic of pessimism, low mood and despair in French symbolism at the end of the XIXth century. The author also analyzes the reasons of development of the phenomenon of melancholy in the XXth century based on the artwork created by French symbolists and analyzed mostly in poetry, critical articles written by symbolists and analytical publications on art history, history, literary and philosophy devoted to the French symbolism and related to melancholy. The topic can be also described as low mood, sadness, despair, disappointment and the feeling of hopelessness typical for the creativity of symbolic and decadent poets. According to the author, that tendency was caused both by the general intellectual atmosphere of late XIX and goals of symbolism in art. Research methods include the descriptive, systems, comparative and cultural-historical approach. French symbolism is viewed from the phenomenological point of view. The importance of the topic is not only in studying particular examples of French symbolism but also the reflection of the eschatolic mood of those times. Keywords: French symbolism, melancholy, low mood, S. Mallarme, S. Bodler, interiorisation, pessimism, phantasmagoria, fin de siècle.
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