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International Law and International Organizations

Shinkaretskaya G.G. Mixed criminal tribunals: a new type of justice?

Abstract: The article concerns mixed criminal tribunals, which in the opinion of the author represent the third generation criminal tribunals. The author studies the history of formation of the classic international criminal courts. The mixed (“hybrid”, “internationalized”) tribunals are the institutions, combining international legal institutions and the judicial institutions of the state, where the relevant crimes were committed. These tribunals involve foreign (they are often called international) and national judges, and their statutes also include norms of both national and international law. The author considers that the primary cause for the formation of mixed criminal tribunals is inefficiency of both national and international criminal tribunals in the investigation of international crimes. The mixed tribunals represent a rather f lexible form for guaranteeing due responsibility in the cases, when no other matters may achieve results. They are rather f lexible and they may work with various criminal defendants and various criminal acts.


international law, criminal law, national law, judicial system, mixed court, national court, international court, efficiency, hybrid, international crimes.

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