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International relations

Rakityanskiy, N.M. Evaluation of the Islamic mentality (political – psychological essay)

Abstract: The article contains a conceptual analysis of the phenomenon of Islamic mentality on the basis of the methodological potential of the subjectivity and dogmatic principles. The Islamic mentality is regarded in the unity of historical, theological, psychological and political scientific aspects. The author showed the connection of political mentalities and the monotheistic religious dogmatic systems. The article contains comparative analysis of the dogmatic sources of formation of the Judaic, Christian and Islamic mentalities. The author shows cardinal differences among the three monotheistic mentalities in the political scientific context, showing the fundamental bases for the political subjectivity. The author discusses specific features of corporate national and individual personal types of political subjectivity, as well as non-subject type of political mentality. The author expressed an opinion on the influence of mental-dogmatic positions of the Islam on the political and psychological qualities of the Islamic world. The conclusion is made that being a super-conscience phenomenon, Islam is a supreme value for the Muslims, and it defines the mental-dogmatic quality of the Muslim political world. The author formulates the problems, grounds and possibilities for the political interaction with the Islam.


international relations, foreign policy, Islam, Ummah, political mentality, political subject, super-conscience, lack of subject, mental-dogmatic settings, Orthodox Christian – Islamic consensus.

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