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International relations

Karyakin, V.V. Social, political, ethnic and religious threats to the public security in the modern Russia

Abstract: The ethnic-religious threats to the national security of the Russian Federation may be classified depending on the level of danger based upon political and terrorist activities of the bearers of ethnic and religious radical ideologies. Most of the terrorist attacks in Russia are committed by the Islamic radicals – Wahhabites, who hold the lead in the number of extremist crimes. Both Russia and global community as a whole face the need to develop a new technology for the prevention and regulation of conflicts and crisis situations, which are considerably different in their contents and course of actions from the political conflicts of the recent past. This technology should include most efficient political, legal and coercive methods, tested by previous experience, in combination with the instruments which correspond with the realities of the globalized world. In some Russian regions, which are traditionally populated with the Muslim ethnic group, the Islamic radicalism is closely intertwined with the ethnic national separatism, which is also the subject of this article.


international relations, foreign policy, Russia, ethnic separatism, extremism, threats, conflicts, security, interests, values.

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