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Philosophy and Culture

Emelianov, A. V. ‘Hedonistic Human’ in Terms of Construction of Human’s Essential Images

Abstract: The author of the present article views the feeling and experience of pleasure as a tool for reconstruction of human’s essential nature by using a special construct called ‘hedonistic human’. The feeling of pleasure acts as an essential element participating in the genesis of the origin of human, his consciousness and culture. The phenomenon of pleasure goes beyond the scope of direct psychological and ethnic interpretations and acts as the central feature of human being, social and cultural processes and axiological field of a modern society. The author of the article also analyzes cultural values related to the feeling and experience of pleasure as well as consequences of actualization of hedonistic artifacts in the society and forms of their transmission and interpretation. The methodological base of the research is presented by works and researches carried out in the spheres of phenomenology, philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture. The author also describes psychoanalytical, phenomenological and post-modernistic approaches to and interpretations of the phenomenon of pleasure. The author also describes how the hedonistic axiology applies to Russian reality. The construct of ‘hedonistic human’ is introduced by the author similarly with other definitions of human reflecting human’s essential nature such as homo sapiens (‘reasonable human’), working human, playing human, laughing human, ashamed human and so on.


consumer society, essential definitions of human, Russian value consciousness, emotions, origin of human, phenomenology of consciousness, sexuality, pleasure, hedonistic values, cultural values.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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