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Taxes and Taxation

Shepeleva, D. V. Public Enterprise in the System of Financial Law Entities

Abstract: Among other financial law entities, public enterprise takes a special place due to its specific features of a state unitary enterprise that is based on the right of operational management. In respect of finances, public enterprises are under the governmental control performed by competent authorities that influence the financial activity and independency of public enterprises. Improvement of public enterprises’ activity is one of the priorities of state policy. Products made by the enterprise and profits from using the property managed by the enterprise as well as the property purchased by the enterprise on the funds received by the enterprise from its activity are in the federal ownership. Public enterprises organize their financial and economic activities base on the need to perform works and render services in accordance with the approved profit and expenditure targets and the plan of enterprise activities. Distribution and use of profits received by the public enterprise are performed according to the established procedure. The public enterprise keeps realtime accounting and accounting records of results of their activities and submits reports according to the established procedure. The author of the present research article uses the general scientific (logical, historical, systems, functional and other) methods and private scientific methods (legal, statistical, sociological methods, modeling, forecasting and etc.). As a financial law entity, public enterprises are legal entities that are allowed to have their independent balance sheet, operating and other kinds of accounts at credit institutions, round seal showing the full legal name of the enterprise in Russian and official address. Like other financial law entities, public enterprises also have certain rights and responsibilities to perform in order to guarantee mobilization, distribution (redistribution) and use of state (municipal) monetary funds.


financial law entity, system of entities, public enterprise, legal standing, legal capacity, collective entities, individual entities, top management, financial activity, public enterprise auditing.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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