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Law and Politics

Shaklein, V.V. Some aspects of gaining the member status in the international inter-governmental organizations

Abstract: The status of the plenipotentiary member of international and intergovernmental organizations is provided solely to the states. However, as a practical matter the issue of membership of a state in the international organizations is a complicated one, since it may sometimes be disputed whether a certain subject of international law is a state, therefore, having a right to be a member of a certain organization, and there also may be a problem regarding succession and transformation of states. The author studies these issues and problems, taking examples of membership in various international organizations, first of all, the UN. The article also concerns the issues of new members entering international intergovernmental organizations. The author also studies the issues of new members entering the international intergovernmental organizations, as well as some issues of equality of rights of member states of various organizations within the institutional structures of these states. The author provides a number of curiosities from the membership history of the UN, changes in the composition of member states of the UN and termination of participation of states in the UN.


state, intergovernmental organization, international organization, the UNO, membership, gaining membership, founding states, exclusion of a state, new members, equality in rights.

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