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Philosophy and Culture

Reznik, Yu. M. The General-Subjective in the World of Phenomena as the Subject of Philosophy

Abstract: The subject of the present research article is the philosophy as a special form of the knowledge of being. The purpose of the research is to describe the subject content and ontological nature of philosophy in terms of phenomenology. The essence and the mission of philosophy have been actively discussed by philosophers throughout the past century. Researchers offer several approaches to describing the subject of philosophy. The process of interpreting philosophy involves several procedures of the analytical analysis of being: definition of the subjective measure of being (being-for-myself), description of the phenomenal picture of being (conceptual structure of being) and determination of the features of integrated phenomena in terms of the ‘general subjective’. The main research method used by the author is the phenomenological approach that defines the place of the discourse as well as its mental landscape. Based on this approach, philosophy sees being (and the world) as a subject of interpretation. Philosophers try to understand the meaning (or meanings) of the integral phenomena of being. The author also offers his own interpretation and definition of philosophy. According to the author, philosophy is the existential phenomenological analytics and pragmatics of the general-subjective being that can be understood only if we focus on human existentials and the general-subjective in the world of phenomena that are reflected in human mind. The results of the research and aforesaid provisions can be used in teaching philosophy as well as arguments in never-ending discussions about the subject of philosophy.


philosophy, knowledge, subject of philosophy, existence, world, meaning, being-in-general, being-for-myself, phenomenon, general-subjective.

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