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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Boyko, M. E. Modal Character Analysis: the Main Idea and Logical and Mathematical Grounds

Abstract: The author of the present research article develops the modal character typology (MCT) as one of the deductive character systems. ‘Deductive’ character mean the type of character that is being described based on logical conclusions disregarding whether this type of character has ever been observed in practice or not. The author suggests to base the deductive character typology on the theory of modalities. This is partly due to the increasing interest towards modalities in modern science and attempts to apply the theory of modalities to creation the typology of world outlooks and mental disorders. MCT is based on the theory of modalities offered by A. J. Greimas and the hypothesis about the relation between empiric characters and modalities introduced by V. Rudnev. The author describes the four basic types of characters and introduces the concept of the four-dimensional modal character map. The author also shows that MCT allows to describe empiric characters using the set (vector) of four modality coordinates. This allows to formalize the qualitative approach offered by V. Rudnev and to create the qualitative approach to diagnostics of human character. Clinical types of characters are associated with particular vectors within modality coordinates which allows to prove graphically that clinical characters are close to each other logically. The author also offers a new quantitative feature of the empiric character called ‘modal activity’.


psychology, deduction system, diagnostics of character, qualitative criteria, modalities, psychological diagnostics, theory of modalities, typology, character, character analysis.

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