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Police activity

Panshin, D.L. Legal and organizational bases for the seizure of the vehicle and prohibition of its exploitation by the Road Police Inspection.

Abstract: Seizure of the transportation vehicle and prohibition of its exploitations are the key guarantees in the administrative offence cases, these measures are applied by the road police officers in order to stop the offence. The definition of seizure of the transportation vehicle as an exclusion of the transportation vehicle from the road traffic appeared in the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation rather recently. Accordingly, there is need to define bases and causes for application of such measures, and the moment of termination of its legal force. In the process of law-enforcement activities of the road police inspectors, they apply prohibition of exploitation of the transportation vehicle by taking away license plates from the car, thus, cancelling the access of a transportation vehicle to the road traffic in the territory of the Russian Federation, as regulated by the Federal Law “On Road Traffic Security”. What are the problems of law-enforcement practice and their possible solutions? The article contains analysis and comparison of the administrative legislation and the procedure for the seizure of the transportation vehicle and prohibition of its exploitation according to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of March 2, 2009 N. 185. The author evaluates the causes for seizure and prohibition of exploitation of a transportation vehicle and the problems in the law-enforcement practice. The author studies the issue of the violation of rules for driving and exploitation of a transportation vehicle as a cause of seizure of a vehicle. Accordingly termination of causes ends the effect of seizure. Also, the author studies the problems concerning the fact that deprivation from driving a transportation vehicle is a condition on which seizure of transportation vehicle is not possible. The author provides a definition of prohibition of exploitation of a transportation vehicle, since it is not legislatively provided, also referring to the causes for prohibition of exploitation of a vehicle and taking away of the license plates. License plates are given when the vehicle is registered and provided access to road traffic. Thus, prohibition of exploitation of a vehicle should concern registration activities.


prohibition of exploitation, use, cause, seizure of a transportation vehicle, transportation vehicle, driving, rules, grounds, license plate, use.

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