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Philosophy and Culture

Demin, I. V. Comparative Analysis of Interpretations of Historical Experience by Frank Ankersmit and Hans Gadamer

Abstract: The author of the article compares the two different concepts of historical experience offered by Frank Aknersmit and Hans Gadamer. The interest for the phenomenon of historical experience as well as the narrative is one of the most typical features of the modern post-metaphysical philosophy of history. The author of the article pays special attention to the problem of the relation between historical experience and historical narrative. Gadamer’s and Ankersmit’s theories are viewed as the alternative and competing strategies in the sphere of the post-metaphysical philosophy of history. The corner stone in these two theories is the interpretation of the correspondence between historical experience and the language of historical narrative. In his research the author used hermeneutic methods, historical method and historicalcomparative method as well as the problem oriented analysis. Gadamer focused on the positive role of traditions and language as the ontological conditions of historical experience. Gadamer understood historical experience as the experience of appealing to traditions and their interpretation. Ankersmit focused on the negative role of the language. Ankersmit related the authenticity of historical experience to the ‘release from the language jail’. According to the author, the language of history description, on one hand, inevitably distorts the authentic (pre-linguistic) historical experience and, on the other hand, represents the only possible form of its expression.


history, historicity, historical experience, language, historical narrative, nostalgia, philosophical hermeneutics, tradition, Gadamer, Ankersmit.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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