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Actual problems of Russian law

Vilkova, T.Y. The fundamentals of the criminal judicial proceedings of the justices of peace at the time when the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 was in force

Abstract: The article concerns the activities of the justices of peace in Russia in 1864-1917. The author substantiates the position that proceedings of the justices of peace on criminal cases corresponded to the general principles of criminal judicial proceedings: directness, oral nature, and openness of judicial proceedings, freedom in evaluation of evidence. At the same time, there were specific features in criminal proceedings by justices of peace, due to the need for the fast resolution of cases “of little importance”, such as absence of distinction between pre-trial and trial investigation, broader competence of police on cases within the jurisdiction of justices of peace, fast “hearing examination” of a case, absence of obligatory representation of the institutional accuser, much independence of the parties, possibility for the sentence in absentia. The study is based upon the analysis of judicial charters of 1864 (The Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, Establishment of Judicial Institutions, Charter on Punishments Assigned by Justices of Peace), the Law of July 12, 1889 on the reform of local peasants’ institutions and judicial department in the Empire and the relevant Rules of December 29, 1889, as well as the statistical data on justices of peace in the period after the reform. Based upon the said analysis the author shows genesis and evolution of the institution of justices of peace as a part of judicial system of pre-Revolution Russia, where their activities were based on the general principles of judicial proceedings and aimed at the guarantees of fast simplified and efficient proceedings on criminal cases which would closely correspond to the needs of the people.


justice of peace, court of justices of peace, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, Establishment of Judicial Institutions, judicial reform, principles, the Russian Empire, judicial competence, local court, the assembly of justices of peace.

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