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Politics and Society

Maltsev, S. S. Global Political Process in Terms of Development of Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)

Abstract: Even though they were first created as the national phenomenon, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GLONASS) have been providing navigation services to international consumers for quite a long time. GLONASS became part of all the key branches of international economy. Noteworthy that the critical dependence of social and economic infrastructure of developed countries on their stable and sustainable functioning and development makes the largest international actors either to develop alternative American GPS systems controlled by the United States Department of Defense and global systems (Galileo in the EU, Compass in the PRC, GLONASS in Russia) or seek for cooperation with the USA. The author of the present article describes the relation between national and international security and GLONASS as the dominant of the modern global political process. The author also analyzes the structure of the main World Food Programs in terms of the global development of these systems. Methodological basis of research is the paradigm of political neo realism from the point of view of national security and associated international activity aimed at providing national security through using/implementing GLONASS. Speaking of the main conclusions made by the author and the structure of actors of the global political process as the part of development of GLONASS, it is necessary to admit that the greatest activity is viewed at the sovereign level but not global or regional levels. Despite the fact that today GLONASS does not function in the international law environment, their activity is still within the sight of the actors of the global political process, first of all, United Nations and its official departments and organizations (ICAO, IMO, ITU and etc.). Nevertheless, taking into account current tendencies in the development of global international relations, active role of the UN institution may decrease.


GLONAS, global political process, international security, United Nations, international relations, Global Navigation Satellite System, national interests, globalization, GPS, international space law.

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