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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Aron, I. S. Professional Identification in a Special Social Situation of Development

Abstract: The purpose of the present research is to describe the key components (cognition, activity, motives, personal readiness) of psychological readiness for professional identification of school students in special social situations of development, in particular, teenagers with deviant behavior, teenagers deprived of parental care and genius teenagers. For this purpose the author offers his own psychological technology that is based on the principles of methodological approaches usually used in human sciences (systems, activity, dynamic and human-centered approaches). This technology is the key element of the author’s model of psychological preparation of students in special social situations for professional identification. Based on the analysis of methodological approaches to human studies and the problem of professional identification, the author of the article concludes that the guiding principles of these approaches are concentrated in the term ‘social situation of development’ offered by Lev Vygotsky. Therefore, the author of the present article uses the social situation of development as the methodological basis for developing an effective technology of psychological preparation for professional identification. The author describes psychological techniques aimed at formation of the key components of psychological readiness for professional identity as defined by the author. These key components include cognition, activity, motivates and personal readiness. The author also proves the efficiency of psychological techniques in psychological preparation of school students for professional identification in acute or problematic social situations of development. Results of researches on psychological preparation of school students for their professional identification carried out at secondary schools in the Republic of Mari El demonstrate a statistically significant positive dynamics of the main components of their psychological readiness for professional identification.


psychology, professional identification, social situation of development, psychological readiness, methodological approach, model, technology, method, formation, efficiency.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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