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Law and Politics

Karasev, R.E. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation: means of protection of basic rights and freedoms of individual and citizen

Abstract: The object of studies in this article involves the means of protection of basic rights and freedoms of individual and citizen in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, their distinctive and characteristic features, as well as the problems regarding use of these means. The author singles out and evaluates three main means of protection of rights and freedoms within the procedures of competitive and abstract constitutional control: filing a constitutional claim, sending a constitutional request by a court, sending a constitutional request by a public body or a public official. In the process of studies the author used general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as special legal methods: comparative legal method, method of interpretation of law. Scientific novelty is due to the specification and systematization of the mechanism of protection of rights and freedoms of individual and citizen within the framework of the constitutional judicial proceedings, conclusions of the author regarding the need to change the existing criteria for admissibility of a constitutional complaint, as well as the conclusions regarding mediated character of protection of basic rights and freedoms when examining of constitutional requests of courts and public bodies and officials. The results of studies may be used in the further studies in the sphere of problems of protection of basic rights and freedoms of individual and citizen.


the Constitutional Court, the Constitution, constitutional control, judicial power, judicial power, rights and freedoms, judicial protection, complaint, request, judicial proceedings, law-protection activity.

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